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App "Below the surface"

"Below the Surface"

Porous media processes shown via animated illustrations. That's the app "Below the surface". It was firstly introduced during the SimTech exhibition "Simulated Reality" in 2023. SFB 1313 uses the exhibit for pupils' workshops as well as an example for outstanding science communication.


Evaporation and Salt Precipitation

Understanding evaporation of water in porous media in the presence of soluble salts plays a key role in many environmental and hydraulic applications. In many arid and semi-arid regions, evaporation from porous media induces salt deposition and crystallization on the surface or within the porous matrix, resulting in the degradation of soil productivity. This problem concerns a wide range of soils worldwide, for example in Tunisia. SFB 1313 of the University of Stuttgart and its international partner network jointly work on a better understanding of these porous media processes.

What are porous media?

What do porous media have to do with evaporation and soil drying? Why are they important regarding the understanding of multiple sclerosis and in the treatment of osteoporosis? How do they affect energy storage? From the human body, via important technical applications to huge environmental systems: porous media are everywhere. Our SFB 1313 film gives answers.

A cinematic exhibition tour

Exhibition Documentation

This short film serves as a cinematic documentation of the SFB 1313 public science exhibition "Pretty Porous - Alles Porös", that was showcased at the Planetarium Stuttgart from 18 June to 30 August 2020.

Porous media are everywhere: an introduction

If we take a close look at ourselves and our environment, it becomes pretty visible: somehow almost everything is porous! The soil and the natural subsurface, the human body with skin and hair, various materials such as paper, asphalt or plastic are only a few examples. Whether biology, the environment or technology: porous media are everywhere!

The fuel cell

We also find porous media in the field of climate-friendly drive concepts. A good example is the fuel cell with its various porous layers, which is used for powering vehicles. Our explanatory film shows how it works and how simulations can help to visualize and understand hidden complex processes in the fuel cell.

The human upright walk

If we take a close look at ourselves, it becomes pretty visible that we humans are porous media, too. Our brain, our cells, our arteries and veins but also our bones are porous media. With age, bone density may decrease and bones may become fragile (=osteoporosis). How can this disease be treated and what role play porous media and simulations here? 

Geothermal energy

Geothermal energy is a technology, used to produce the renewable energy source "geothermal heat". The deeper the porous underground layer, the warmer it, and thus the groundwater in it, becomes. This energy can be extracted and transported to the surface towards the surface with special plants. It can be used both for cooling buildings in summer and for heating them in winter.

Experimenting with Porous Media

Holger Steeb, SFB 1313's principal investigator gives us an insight into experimenting with porous media in the "Porous Media Lab". He and his team show us, how important experiments are to better understand hydro-mechanical properties of porous materials in order to develop mathematical models, which can be used in simulations and for technical applications.

Simulation of large systems in the field of porous media

SFB 1313 principal investigator Miriam Mehl and her team provide algorithms, mathematical methods and software to solve the huge systems of equations involved in today’s simulations. The size of these systems requires the use of super-computers with a power consumption of several Megawatt. Prof. Mehl and her group “Simulation of Large Systems” can significantly contribute to use the huge amount of energy much more efficiently.

Portrait of SFB 1313 Jun.-Prof. Carina Bringedal

Interface-driven processes in porous media are very interesting to SFB 1313 principal investigator Carina Bringedal as she worked on evolving interfaces in porous media during her PhD and during her postdoc at Hasselt University (Belgium). She looks forward to learning more about interface-driven processes and plans to focus on evaporation at the pore scale during her time in Stuttgart. The film project was realized as a part of the university-wide pooling of DFG equal opportunity funds.

Interviews with SFB 1313 Guests

We recorded audio interviews with our SFB 1313 guests to get to know them and their research better.

28 July 2023

Interview 19 with Costanza Aricò from the University of Palermo (Italy) and SFB 1313 doctoral researcher Edward Coltman (associated research project A-X3).


21 July 2023

Interview 18 with SFB 1313 Mercator Fellow Sorin Iuliu Pop from the Hasselt University (Belgium) and SFB 1313 principal investigator Christian Rohde (research projects B03 and C02).


28 June 2023

Interview 17 with SFB 1313 Mercator Fellow Ivan Yotov from the University of Pittsburgh (USA) and doctoral researcher Ivan Ivan Buntic.

Due to the Corona pandemic there were no further audio interviews recorded in this period.

15 February 2020

Interview 16 with Johan van Leeuwen from the Utrecht University (Netherlands) and SFB 1313 doctoral researcher Felix Weinhardt (research project C04)

4 December 2019

Interview 15 with SFB 1313 co-investigator and Mercator Fellow Sorin Pop from the Hasselt University (Belgium) and SFB 1313 doctoral researcher Lars von Wolff (research project C02)


11 November 2019

Interview 14 with SFB 1313 advisory board member Inga Berre from the University of Bergen (Norway) and SFB 1313 principal investigator Carina Bringedal (research project A05)


27 October 2019

Interview 13 with SFB 1313 external partner and Mercator Fellow Majid Hassanizadeh from the Utrecht University (Netherlands) and doctoral researcher Kilian Weishaupt (research project A02)


5 June 2019

Interview 12 with Adrienne Phillips from the Center of Biofilm Engineering of the Montana State University (USA) and postdoctoral researcher Johannes Hommel (associated project C-X2)


20 May 2019

Interview 11 with Interview with Ivan Yotov from the University of Pittsburgh (USA) and doctoral researcher Theresa Kurz (associated project C-X3)


18 April 2019

Interview 10 with Tufan Ghosh from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (India) (since 22 April 2020 SFB 1313 postdoctoral researcher for research project A05) and postdoctoral researcher Martin Schneider (task force "software and data")


3 April 2019

Interview 9 with Gilian Schout from the Utrecht University (Netherlands) and former SFB 1313 postdoctoral researcher Wietse Boon (internal research project I-01)


5 March 2019

Interview 8 with Avihai Tsinober from the Technion - Isreal University of Technology and SFB 1313 doctoral researcher Simon Emmert (associated project C-X1)


20 February 2019

Interview 7 with Florin Radu from the University of Bergen (Norway) and SFB 1313 doctoral researcher Samuel Burbulla (research project B03)


11 February 2019

Interview 6 with SFB 1313 advisory board member Insa Neuweiler from the Leibniz University of Hannover and SFB 1313 doctoral researcher Edward Coltman (associated project A-X3)


1 February 2019

Interview 5 with Jan Martin Nordbotten from the University of Bergen (Norway) and SFB 1313 doctoral researcher Elissa Eggenweiler (research project A03)


26 January 2019

Interview 4 with Peter Knabner from the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and SFB 1313 principal investigator Christian Rohde (research projects B03 and C02)

6 December 2018

Interview 3 with Nima Shokri from The University of Manchester (since 2020 at the Hamburg University of Technology) and SFB 1313 principal investigator Sander Huisman (research project C05)


24 October 2018

Interview 2 with SFB 1313 external partner and Mercator Fellow Al Cunningham from the Montana State University, USA and SFB 1313 principal investigator Holger Class (research project C04)


16 July 2018

Interview 1
with SFB 1313 external partner and Mercator Fellow Hans van Duijn from the TU Eindhoven (Netherlands) and SFB 1313 spokesman and principal investigator Rainer Helmig (research projects A02 and C02)


This image shows Patrizia Ambrisi

Patrizia Ambrisi


Public Relations and Science Communication | SFB 1313

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