Project INF

Research Data Management and Research Software Engineering


  1. Schneider, M., Flemisch, B., Frey, S., Hermann, S., Iglezakis, D., Ruf, M., Schembera, B., Seeland, A., & Steeb, H. (2020). Datenmanagement im SFB 1313.


About this project

This project started in the second funding period of SFB 1313. In the first funding period, software and data management was the concern of the Task Force: Software and Data Management. With the establishment of the Information Infrastructure Project the tools and services will be improved to further facilitate the data management and software engineering efforts in SFB 1313.

Data management

Concerning research data and the institutional data repository DaRUS (based on Dataverse), the Information Infrastructure Project will assist in automating the upload of data and metadata as well as extend the possibilities for analysing and reproducing stored simulation results. Workflows for data management and software engineering activities will be standardised and documented. This will be enhanced by automated logging of workflow executions in the current institutional solution for knowledge management (Confluence), thereby creating the possibility of linking these to meetings, discussions and documents contained in that system.

Results of these efforts can be seen in the number of published datasets by SFB 1313.

Software engineering

By improving the existing software development processes, we will increase the quality of the software as research output. Expanding automated testing and continuous integration, we will be able to constantly assure and monitor this quality. Moreover, we will improve software interoperability and reusability by either writing interfaces for smaller software projects to the well-established packages or integrating them there.

Core software frameworks in SFB 1313 are DuMuX and preCICE. DuMuX is a porous-media simulator based on the numerical toolbox DUNE. PreCICE is a coupling library for partitioned multi-physics simulations. Both are open-source software frameworks which are also developped within the projects of SFB 1313.

This image shows Bernd Flemisch

Bernd Flemisch

apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat.

Principal Investigator, Research Project D03

This image shows Guido Reina

Guido Reina


Principal Investigator, Research Project D01

This image shows Martin Schneider

Martin Schneider


Principal Investigator, Research Project A02, Project INF

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