SFB 1313 encourages all doctoral researchers of IRTG-IMPM to make an extended study trip of up to 90 days abroad. These stays should preferably, but not necessarily, be spent at the institution of the co-examiner of the doctoral researcher. For full members of IRTG-IMPM, SFB 1313 will provide financial support.
Information for Full Members of IRTG-IMPM
How to apply for financial support
Financial support for extended stays abroad must be applied for in advance by the doctoral researcher and his/her principal investigator. As the funds for these stays abroad are limited, SFB 1313 cannot grant any daily allowance. In all, we ask all doctoral researchers to keep the expenses for the trip and for the accommodation as low as possible.
If you want to apply for financial support, please submit the following form:
Antrag auf Reisemittel für längeren Forschungsaufenthalt im Rahmen des IRTG-IMPG
On separate sheets, please submit a detailed schedule of the expected costs and outline your research plan during the stay abroad. This letter of motivation should not exceed one page (12pt).
Send these documents to:
Beate Spinner
Universität Stuttgart
Sonderforschungsbereich 1313
Pfaffenwaldring 61
If the costs of the trip are reasonable and the research plan convincing, the management of SFB 1313 will approve support for the trip and return a copy of the signed form to the doctoral researcher and his/her supervisor.
Organising the trip
Please keep in mind that IRTG-IMPG and not your SFB research project will cover the costs of the trip. This means that, in addition to the project leaders of the scientific project, the project leaders of IRTG-IMPG (i.e. Christian Rohde and Grazia Lamanna) or the management team (i.e. Holger Class) also have to sign the "Dienstreiseantrag". If you buy a plane ticket via DER, please forward the invoice to Beate Spinner, who will pay it.
For further information, please contact Beate Spinner.
When the trip is over
As soon as the trip is over, you should send all the necessary forms (signed by you and your principal investigator) and documents to the Reisekostenstelle. According to the law, you have up to 6 months to do this, but we ask you not to wait so long (especially at the end of the year!). As soon as the expenses have been calculated, please send the original of the "Reisekostenabrechnung" and two copies to Beate Spinner.
After the trip you will receive a latex-form that will help you to write a short report about your experience abroad and the research carried out there. Please return the form within two months of the end of your stay to sfb1313-graduiertenkolleg@iws.uni-stuttgart.de.
For further information please contact

Samaneh Vahid Dastjerdi
Dr.-Ing.Postdoctoral Researcher, Management, Project MGK, Central Project Z

Beate Spinner
Administrative Office