Review: Online InterPore German Chapter Meeting 2021

February 3, 2021 /

The German Chapter Meeting of InterPore 2021 took place online from 1 to 2 February and was organised by the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 1313 of the University of Stuttgart.

The German Chapter of InterPore, organised by SFB 1313 of the University of Stuttgart, was successfully held online from 1 to 2 February 2021. The conference, the biggest National Interpore Chapter so far, enabled an interdisciplinary exchange between experts from research institutions, universities, and the industry. We thank all speakers, participants, our student assistants Paula Strohbeck and Robin Lautenschlager, and the local organising committee for making this assembly possible and for making it such a great success.

The meeting was opened by Majid Hassanizadeh, co-founder of InterPore and SFB 1313's external partner and Mercator Fellow. Over 70 persons from Switzerland, Belgium, and all over Germany attended the meeting, that was divided in six different sessions over the two days:

Day 1
1. Session
: Multiscale modelling and analysis for porous media
2. Session: Numerical methods for porous media
3. Session: Experiments

Day 2
4. Session
: Pore-scale modelling and imaging
5. Session: Mathematical modelling and numerics for porous media
6. Session: UQ and data-driven methods

In total, 5 invited talks and 42 shorter talks formed the programme. At the end of conference day 1, the participants met in a virtual get-together room, where they could, amongst others, test their knowledge about porous media and about the city in a quiz, created for the occasion.

Invited speakers

1. Raphael Schulz (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg): „Beyond Kozeny-Carman: Predicting the Permeability in Porous Media“ (Day 1)
2. Steven Jansen (University of Ulm: “The role of porous media for water transport in plants” (Day 1)
3. Ralf Seemann (University of Saarland): “The Role of Local Instabilities in Fluid Invasion into Permeable Media Studied by in situ X-Ray Microtomography” (Day 2)
4. Tim Ricken (University of Stuttgart): “The Theory of Porous Media with Applications in Environmental Engineering, Biomechanics and Materials Science” (Day 2)
5. Veerle Cnudde (Ghent University, Holder of the InterPore Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lectureship Award 2020): “Unravelling pore-scale processes in geomaterials” (Day 2)

The talk from Veerle Cnudde “Unravelling pore-scale processes in geomaterials” took at the same time place in the framework of SFB 1313’s newly established international “Pretty Porous Science Lectures” series, that aims to discuss various aspects of porous media research, spanning from new experimental finding to numerical modelling strategies. This particular talk was additionally opened for SFB 1313 members and friends not participating in the German Chapter Meeting 2021.

Among the 42 short talks, 11 SFB 1313 researchers gave a presentation:

1. Carina Bringedal (research project A05): “Multi-scale modeling of mineral precipitation and dissolution in porous media“
2. Christian Lohrmann (research project C01): “The influence of motility on bacterial accumulation in a microporous channel”
3. Alexander Jaust (research projct D02): “Parallel partitioned coupling simulation of fractured porous media”
4. Johannes Hommel (research project C-X2): “Enzymatically induced calcite precipitation: model development and experiments”
5. Felix Weinhardt (associated research project C04): “Experimental methods and imaging for enzymatically induced calcite precipitation in microfluidic devices”
6. Dongwon Lee (research project B05): “On the efficiency of the 2D U-net model in the identification of fractures in quenched samples by means of micro-XRCT“
7. Alexander Schlaich (research project C01): “Wetting transition and freezing of ionic liquids in nano-confining conducting porous media: an effective Thomas-Fermi screening approach“
8. Elissa Eggenweiler (research project A03): “Validation and calibration of coupling concepts for Stokes-Darcy problems"
9. Katharina Heck (research project A02): “Influence of radiation on evaporation rates: a numerical analysis”
10. Samuel Burbulla (research project B03): “A mixed-dimensional discontinuous Galerkinscheme for fluid flow through fractured porous media with fractures of non-constant aperture”
11. Farid Mohammadi (research project D03): “An Uncertainty-Aware Bayesian Framework for Validation of Flow Models in Porous Media”

SFB 1313 Local Organising Committee

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