About the Project
The main goal of Project Ö is to communicate SFB 1313’s research, developments, and activities in the field of porous media to the public and to the porous media community. Porous media systems can be found from technological, to environmental to biological system. There are practically everywhere. The established PR measures help to explain why porous media are relevant for society (e.g. energy storage, drinking water quality, or tumour growth) and why fundamental research in this field deserves to be supported.
Credits icons: www.flaticons.com
In the first funding period we successfully established communication in a broad coverage to the general public and to the porous media academic community through online media, the traditional press, events, and a popular science exhibition. For the general public, it was first of all necessary to create an awareness that porous media are almost everywhere in our everyday lives and that even we ourselves are porous media. Building upon this, the scientific activities were made transparent and SFB 1313’s insights were shared with interested citizens. The relevance of porous media research was demonstrated as well as how it will eventually contribute to improving applications in environmental engineering and technology. Internal and external communication strategies were pursued as both are intertwining. The internal communication activities are important for networking within SFB 1313 and to be in constant exchange with all researchers and the 17 research projects. Beyond the whole SFB 1313 team, also the national and international collaborative partners, and the porous media academic community need to be updated about the research projects, methods, developments, and results at any time. The external communication activities help to further raise interest in porous media research among various groups of the general public.
Regarding metrics for a successful SFB 1313 science communication, we identified some quantitative indicators like visits to our website and its search engine visibility, and followers and posts on our social media channels as well as more qualitative ones like outreach, transparency concerning our research and participation in various public events.
- Public science exhibition "Pretty Porous - Alles Porös", shown at the Planetarium Stuttgart from 18 June to 30 August 2020
- External exhibition website of the science exhibition "Pretty Porous - Alles Porös" www.allesporoes.de, collecting all the content
- Corporate identity for SFB 1313
- SFB 1313 website that is used as central information platform and also serves as an “archive”
- News articles about SFB 1313 related topics
- Social media accounts that are very frequently provided with our topics: Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube
- Print materials about SFB 1313 and about the science exhibition
- Newsletters four the SFB 1313 team and external partners
- Films, presenting SFB 1313 relevant topics
- Traditional press activities
- Participation in university and non-university events, such as Gilrs' Day, TryScience, Tag der Wissenschaft, Junior Engineering Academy etc.
- Laboratory Tours
- International cooperational exchange projects for students in the field of engineering and porous media research
- "Anneliese Niethammer Lecture Series", named after the first female professor of the University of Stuttgart, that gives women in the science a platform for their research
- Audio interviews with our SFB 1313 guests

Patrizia Ambrisi
M.A.Public Relations and Science Communication | SFB 1313