SFB 1313 Publication

August 30, 2018 /

by Steffen Frey

Spatio-Temporal Contours from Deep Volume Raycasting is the title of the SFB 1313 and VISUS publication by Steffen Frey of VISUS – the Visualization Research Center
Stuttgart. The object of the publication is the static visualization of time-dependent processes.

As SFB 1313 examines – amongst others – time-dependent processes in
porous media, this publication is an important contribution to the present and future SFB 1313 work. Steffen Frey's visualization application can be used for various data of different research areas, such as engineering, physics, biomechanics etc.

One example is the analysis of the simulation data of a drop collision from the group of Prof. Weigand. The visualization shows the contours of two drops flying toward each other (blue). After the collision, a disk forms from which then individual droplets splash out (green to red). For larger droplets, their contours indicate constant changes due to oscillation.

Link to publication


Img 1:                                                                  Img 2:
Colliding droplets splash out                               Laser pulse travelling through bottle

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