Colloquium: Jan M. Nordbotten

January 30, 2019 /

University of Bergen (Norway)

SFB 1313 guest Prof. Dr. Jan Martin Nordbotten from the Department of Mathematics of the University of Bergen (Norway) will give a lecture on 30th January 2019 within the SimTech Colloquium, entiteled: "Mixed-dimensional modeling and simulation".

We provide an overview of mixed-dimensional physical processes, and the overarching principles governing the construction of consistent and well-posed mathematical models for these systems. We provide some mathematical structure, and show how this leads to a natural development of numerical methods, analogous to the case for classical (fixed-dimensional) problems.

Date: 30th January 2019
Time: 4 pm
Place: Aula 7.01, Pfaffenwaldring 7, 70569 Suttgart-Vaihingen


Prof. Jan Martin Nordbotten
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